  • Advice

    The holy grail of N testing

    5 August 2020

    It is often said that the search for the perfect soil nitrogen test is somewhat like searching for the Holy Grail! However, we might be getting closer with the development of a new soil test known as the PMN test (Potential Mineralisable Nitrogen), which estimates the ability of a soil to supply nitrogen (N) for crop growth.

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  • Advice

    Lightly salted: Taking Coastal Lamb® to the world

    5 August 2020

    Southwest of Whanganui there’s an enterprising farming family who’ve made waves in the culinary world with their coastal-raised lamb. Victoria O’Sullivan talks to Ravensdown shareholder Richard Redmayne about Coastal Lamb, the business he and wife Suze have built, supplying lamb to exclusive restaurants across the world.

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  • The Experts

    Liquid nitrogen as an option

    5 August 2020

    Following on from Dr Ants Roberts article titled ‘Surviving spring’, applying nitrogen (N) in liquid form can provide an alternative and convenient option for sprayer or irrigation applications.

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  • The Experts

    Surviving spring!

    5 August 2020

    The extreme drought conditions in most of the North Island and top of the South, wet conditions in Southland and the West Coast coupled with farmers holding more stock over autumn and winter (due to Covid-19) has created huge pressure on pasture supply.

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