  • Environment, The Experts

    A vision for N with new N-loss project

    9 August 2022

    N-Vision NZ, a new $22m innovation to help farmers reduce nitrogen (N) loss, is Ravensdown’s largest single investment in research and development. Established in partnership with the Government’s Sustainable Food and Fibres Future (SFFF) initiative, N-Vision NZ seeks to develop new N-based technologies that support farmers to reduce their N losses, while maintaining production and profitability.

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  • The Experts

    Less is more in the Bay of Plenty

    9 August 2022

    Despite decreasing their fertiliser spend, Fraser and Katherine McGougan have maintained production and improved pasture health on their 150ha Willowvale Farm in eastern Bay of Plenty.

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  • Research and Innovation, The Experts

    Robust science underpins better decisions for primary sector

    9 August 2022

    Little is left to chance or challenge in Dr Brent Clothier’s work life. And that is just how he wants it.

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  • Advice, Environment, The Experts

    Nitrogen reporting now available in HawkEye

    13 July 2022

    Ravensdown’s nutrient management and mapping tool HawkEye is ready for dairy farmers to create their annual nitrogen report for regional councils.

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