5 August 2020
Dr Selai Letica, talks about why the shift to Māori values is happening and why it matters.
Read article5 August 2020
Canterbury and Southland farmers are proving catch crops are a valuable addition to the suite of tools farmers have available to reduce their winter forage grazing environmental footprint whilst increasing profitability.
Read article5 August 2020
“A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step” – so the saying goes. To many, the path to regulated farm environment planning and compliance may feel like a thousand-mile journey.
Read article5 August 2020
In a world that has grown used to responding to change and volatility, Coronavirus has established a new gold standard for disruption. Orders to lockdown and shelter at home have impacted almost every facet of daily life as governments have sought to break the chain of transmission of the virus.
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