  • Product Supply, The Experts

    Support for new Fertmark auditing rules

    9 August 2017

    Ravensdown strongly supports the drive of the Fertiliser Quality Council (FQC) to ensure all enhanced fertilisers are verified under the Fertmark scheme and calls for more disclosure on all imported and coated products.

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  • Research and Innovation, Product Supply

    Protect your investment in new pastures and crops

    7 October 2016

    This spring we launch Endure® Mini, a new product designed to protect your investment in a fundamental part of our agricultural economy.

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  • Advice, Product Supply

    Shining the spotlight on potash

    19 July 2016

    Centuries ago potash was created by using a pot to boil water that had been passed through wood ashes (hence the name). These days the process of getting hold of potassium (K) in water-soluble and plant-available form is on a totally different scale.

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  • Research and Innovation, Product Supply

    Massive New Plymouth store to benefit farmers

    13 July 2016

    The Central and Western North Island will benefit from a new fertiliser storage and blending facility in New Plymouth.

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