  • Advice

    Spot spraying weeds prolongs pasture production

    6 November 2020

    Spending a little time over summer to tidy up scattered weeds in pastures by spot spraying can pay dividends.

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  • Advice

    Nurturing newly-sown pasture and targeting brushweeds

    6 November 2020

    Nurturing newly-sown pasture and targeting brushweeds

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  • Advice

    Don’t let slug ruin your spring

    16 September 2020

    Spring usually brings favourable conditions for slugs, and we all know how devastating slugs can be to newly sown crops and pastures. It makes sense to check paddocks earmarked for re-grassing, or spring sown crops, so you can take necessary measures to manage the slug challenge.       

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  • Advice

    N Protect – Smarter Farming

    6 August 2020

    Sharemilker Adam Williamson recently switched to N-Protect as part of meeting his commitments in Synlait’s Lead with Pride programme. The programme’s four pillars of best practice cover environment, milk quality, animal health and social responsibility, with a recent addition of emissions reductions, which has been a key driver in Adam’s decision to switch from urea to N-Protect in the shoulder seasons.

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