  • Advice

    Ravensdown and Cropmark – partnership breeds success

    17 November 2021

    Ravensdown’s ability to bring you the best performing forage seed products available on the market today is based on a 10-year partnership with Cropmark Seeds Limited.

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  • Advice

    Don’t let slugs cut your stock’s lunch

    16 November 2021

    November is a key month for establishing winter forage crops, such as kale, swedes or rape, and we all know how devastating slugs can be to newly sown crops. It makes sense to check paddocks going into winter forage brassicas, so you can take necessary measures to manage the slug challenge.

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  • Advice

    Is your aerial fertiliser application as precise as you think?

    16 November 2021

    When it comes to aerial fertiliser spreading, not all solutions are created equal. In fact, the claims around precision can be exaggerated. How precise is precise? How can I be sure that my fertiliser is going where I really want it to go? How do I know the right rate is being spread at the right time?

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  • Advice

    The cost of getting soil fertility wrong

    22 April 2021

    Although many people on the planet are willing to pay more for New Zealand produce, productive land to grow that food and fibre is becoming unavailable here in our own backyard.

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