
Friday, 17 March 2017

Keeping beet in tip top shape


Agri Manager Nicole Holliday admires Cropmark’s Geronimo fodder beet during a recent customer visit in Chertsey.

Drilled in early October, the crop received a robust pre-emergence herbicide and two well-timed post-emergence herbicides. Soil and tissue testing determined fertiliser applications, the last of which brought the total amount of nitrogen applied to 150 kg/ha.

Relatively cold, wet weather has caused downy mildew in many beet crops this year. Applying a phosphite liquid at the end of November, to prevent the disease getting worse, has protected the plants.

The only way to keep on top of weeds, pests, disease, and get the most out of the crop is regular monitoring - every 10 days.

In the last few weeks foliar diseases like Cercospora leaf spot, powdery mildew, and beet rust have been observed in the crops. To combat this, Mondo (cyproconazole and trifloxystrobin) applied at 350 mL/ha has been recommended.

This strobilurin and triazole co-formulation gives physiological benefits for improved greening and yield. It will provide protective and curative activity, but it may need a follow-up application in four weeks depending on the disease pressure. There is also a drought tolerance benefit from the trifloxystrobin which can help protect yield under moisture stress conditions.

Needless to say the Geronimo beet treated with cruiser force is looking great, with herbage tests from ARL showing great feed quality, and well on the way to producing 30t DM/ha.