
Monday, 16 April 2018

The Nutrient Efficiency toolbox


Greater nutrient efficiency at the soil-to-plant level is an important part of smarter farming. Increasing the availability of the paid-for nutrient to the plant whilst minimising potential losses to air, soil and water makes financial and environmental sense. With greater efficiency and depending on each farm’s circumstances, the farm operator then has three choices:

1. Redeploy the same amount of nutrients where they’re needed most and will cause less environmental impact.

2. Reduce the total amount of nutrients applied in the appropriate locations.

3. Raise the total amount of nutrients applied more accurately if soil fertility, farm conditions and environmental parameters allow.

These choices become even more important when farming under regulatory applied limits or caps. “While we pay attention to sales, as a farmer-owned co-operative, it is not our policy to sell farmers more fertiliser than they need,” explains Mike Manning. “Ravensdown is focused on the science and solutions that will improve nutrient efficiency both now and into the future.”