
Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Sharpen up your pasture


Are you using the best?

Blade Italian ryegrass has been developed using cutting-edge forage technologies, to ensure you get bulk feed when you need it. Exclusive to Ravensdown, Blade is a broad leafed, densely tillered, diploid, Italian ryegrass.

Is Blade right for me?

Blade works best as a specialist, short-term pasture for all high performance systems, and livestock types. You can also extend the life of run-out, or damaged pastures, by over-sowing with Blade.

  • Rapid establishment and re-growth.
  • Very strong year-round growth.
  • High winter and spring yields.
  • Very good disease resistance.

Blade has been bred for fast establishment and will maintain feed quality for up to ten days longer into spring/summer than traditional Italian ryegrass varieties, making it ideally suited for improved milk yields and livestock finishing around this time.

Persistence 1 - 2 years Rust resistance 9 (resistant)
Heading date +24 (days cf Nui) Winter and early spring activity Very high
Sowing rate 20 - 25 kg/ha Minimum rainfall 450+ mm

Call your local Agri Manager, or our Customer Centre on 0800 100 123, to discuss the advantages that Blade can bring to your forage production.