Price from:
$466 .25 MT
Direct debit price
Excludes gst, and freight & handling charges


N 0.0
P 6.7
K 0.0
S 8.6
Mg 5.0
Ca 15.0
  • Fertmark guarantee
  • Rebateable
Serpentine Super

Product Description

Serpentine (or Drilling Super) is an effective general pastoral fertiliser providing a supply of readily available Phosphate, Sulphur and small amount of Magnesium.

Why Use Serpentine Super

  • ​Designed for pastoral agriculture, with better handling and mixing properties.
  • Used in forage cropping and vegetable production.
  • Will not cause germination injury to seed when applied at recommended rates.


Serpentine Super contains 25% magnesium silicate as serpentine or dunite which is included during the manufacturing process for superphosphate. The colour of this fertiliser can vary, depending on the source of the components.

Safety Information

Caution When Mixing

Although Serpentine Super generally mixes well with other products, it is not compatible with: Potassium Nitrate, Ammonium Nitrate, Mono Ammonium Phosphate (MAP), Cropmaster DAP, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) or Urea.

Serpentine Super can be compatible with Flexi-N (magnesium coated Urea) and Ammonium Sulphate Granular under certain circumstances.

Segregation may occur when mixed with product with differences of particle size.

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Product Sizes available

  • Bulk

Delivery Options

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Important Information

  • Uses

    Serpentine Super was originally designed for pastoral agriculture because of its better handling and mixing properties. However, it is used in forage cropping and vegetable production as well. It is also used for its magnesium content.

    Serpentine Super is an effective general pastoral fertiliser providing a supply of readily available Phosphate, Sulphur and small amount of Magnesium. It is often used for sowing directly with pasture seed, as it will not cause germination injury when applied at recommended rates.

  • Application

    Actual spreading rates will vary according to farm type, climate, productivity and soil type. Soil testing and fertiliser plans are available to ensure you use the right product at the correct rate.

    Serpentine Super has better granulation than Superphosphate. Its physical properties make it flow better in application machinery. It is important to calibrate your equipment. Serpentine/Drilling Super is compatible with other materials such as Potassium Chloride and even Urea and Ammonium Sulphate.

  • Storage

    As with most solid fertilisers, Serpentine Super  can be stored over a season as long as it is kept in a cool, dry, well ventilated area. Store bags in a dry place ensuring they are tightly sealed.