Price from:
$513 .70 MT
Direct debit price
Excludes gst, and freight & handling charges


N 0.0
P 8.3
K 0.0
S 10.1
Mg 3.2
Ca 18.4
  • Rebateable
  • Blend of fertmark registered products
Magnesium Super

Product Description

Magnesium Super is a coarse chip (2-5mm) with some fine powder and its colour varies with rock types from pink to brown or dark grey granules.​

Why Use Magnesium Super

  • Suitable for pastoral, arable and horticultural applications
  • Cost-effective source of magnesium where large amounts are required
  • Useful on yellow brown pumice soils where the parent materials contain little or no magnesium​

Caution When Mixing

Although Magnesium Super does mix well with some products, it is not compatible with the following:

Sulphur Super 30, Urea, Flexi-N (magnesium coated Urea), Ammonium sulphate granular, Ammonium sulphate standard, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN), Nitrophoska, Cropmaster DAP, Mono Ammonium Phosphate (MAP), Ammonium Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate.

Segregation may occur when mixed with product with differences of particle size.

When mixed with other fertilisers, it is important to reduce the bout width when spreading, as Magnesium Oxide does not spread as well as many other products.​

Refer Compatibility chart.

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Product Sizes available

  • Bulk
  • 20 kg

Delivery Options

  • Pickup


Important Information


    Suitable for pastoral, arable and horticultural applications

    Cost-effective source of magnesium where large amounts are required

    Useful on yellow brown pumice soils where the parent materials contain little or no Magnesium

    Magnesium Super is a multi nutrient fertiliser which suits different land uses.

    It is especially useful on yellow brown pumice soils where the parent materials contain little or no magnesium and must be supplied from fertiliser magnesium sources for both plant and animal responses. ​
  • USES

    Magnesium Super is a mixture of Magnesium Oxide and Superphosphate, containing soluble phosphate, sulphate sulphur, calcium and magnesium and is a suitable fertiliser for capital or maintenance applications.
    It is also ideal for pastoral development and arable/horticultural situations where immediate responses are required, although the magnesium component requires time to dissolve and so early application for short-term rapid growth crops is recommended.

    Actual spreading rates will vary according to farm type, climate, productivity, soil type and crop type.  Soil testing and fertiliser plans are available to ensure you use the right product at the correct rate.  Call our Customer Centre for information.

    Unlike most solid fertilisers, Magnesium Super is not stable and should be applied as soon as practical after mixing at the store as has propensity to become lumpy. ​