Price from:
$1,058 .35 MT
Direct debit price
Excludes gst, and freight & handling charges


N 10.8
P 14.8
K 0.0
S 12.6
Mg 0.0
Ca 6.4
  • Rebateable
  • Blend of fertmark registered products

Product Description

DAP 13S fertiliser is a 60:40 blend of DAP and Sulphur Super 30. DAP can vary in colour from light brown to black, while Sulphur Super can vary from pink to brown with yellow elemental S visible​.

Why Use DAP 13S

  • Provides N (10.8%), P (14.8%) & S (12.6%) for permanent pasture
  • For permanent pastures where a high S content is required in balance with N and P
  • Applications should take place promptly as this product can set up​

Safety Information

Caution When Mixing

​Although DAP 13S generally mixes well with other products, it is not compatible with the following:

Superphosphate, Sulphur Super 30 and Magnesium Oxide

DAP 13S can be compatible with the following under certain circumstances:

Dry Lime

Segregation may occur when mixed with product with differences of particle size.

Refer Compatibility Chart.

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To order this product contact the customer centre and place your order.

0800 100 123


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Product Sizes available

  • Bulk

Delivery Options

  • Pickup


Important Information


    Provide nitrogen (10.8%), phosphate (14.8%) & sulphate (12.6%) for permanent pasture

    For permanent pastures where a high sulphate content is required in balance with nitrogen and phosphate

    Applications should take place promptly as this product can set up

    DAP 13S is a cost effective and good general pasture fertiliser providing readily available nitrogen in the ammonium form, phosphate and sulphate in similar proportions and more slowly available elemental sulphate.  It is often used in pastoral situations where potassium is not required, but relatively high sulphate is required.
  • USES

    DAP 13S is designed for permanent pastures where a high sulphate content is required in balance with nitrogen and phosphate.


    DAP 13S is a mixture of two different products, therefore it is important to calibrate your equipment.
    Unlike most solid fertilisers, DAP 13S is not stable and should be applied as soon as practical after mixing at the store as has propensity to set up.
    Also, clean drills and spreaders after use to avoid corrosion.

    125-350kg/ha to boost pasture growth, 150-300kg/ha on hay/silage paddocks at closing. When DAP is mixed with any Superphosphate-based product (like DAP 13S) it has the propensity to become lumpy, even over short time periods.

    Actual spreading rates will vary according to farm type, climate, productivity and soil type.  Soil testing and fertiliser plans are available to ensure you use the right product at the correct rate.  Call our Customer Centre for information.